

Fixed the problem with it not converting null bytes. I've started writing my own shellcode (Yea yea I know...but I look at it as numbers! =) so I decided to include this feature. Enjoy!


Did a HUGE overhaul on pifuscate. It has been built as an all-in-one shellcode tool. It can write a python script with the obfuscated code, it can accept ANY fraction for obfuscation, and tons of other stuff. Check out the SVN. Readme isn't up to date, but I plan to re-write it in the next day or so. To see the new options, just python pifus.py =)

Welcome to the pifuscate SourceForge webpage. What is pifuscate? Pifuscate is a way to obfuscate shellcode, using basic mathematic functions. In version 0.1, it uses pi to obfuscate the values. There is more information in the README.

To download, run the command

svn co https://pifuscate.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pifuscate pifuscate

SVN is the best way to keep up-to-date. Keep in touch, and watch for updates! --Marfi